Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Available for Comment: Kim Walls, M.S. and CEO of Episencial Challenges Moms to Read Baby Skincare Labels

Following today's release of the report "Baby's Tub is Still Toxic" from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, parents may have questions about the products they are using to care for their baby's skin. Kim Walls, M.S. and a second-generation skincare expert encourages moms to go beyond the boycott:

  •     I agree that harsh chemicals have no place on baby skin – or anyone's skin for that matter – because 70 percent of what goes on the skin can be absorbed into the body very quickly. Choosing products made only of all natural ingredients is a positive, actively healthy step.
  •     Reading labels takes effort – no question – but, if the ingredients are naturally derived, they should be pretty easy to understand. The best product labels list the chemical AND common name of natural ingredients.
  •     When choosing baby lotion, avoid petroleum-based products, such as mineral oil. Instead, look for plant-based oils such as olive, sunflower, avocado or jojoba because, in addition to moisturizing and lubricating the skin, they have actively healthy antioxidants and other good-for-you nutrients.
  •     Your nose doesn't always know. An easy way to identify chemicals in personal care products is the ingredient "fragrance" a compound of up to several thousand chemicals – some quite harmful. If a product contains fragrance, it likely contains other questionable chemical ingredients.
  •     Parents should know skin plays an important role in our overall health and immunity, so taking care of it is important.
  •     All natural, actively healthy skincare formulas that are free from the bad stuff are more available and more affordable than ever before. But if, for whatever reason, those products aren't available to you - warm water and a wash cloth does a fine job!

About Kim Walls, M.S.
Kim Walls, M.S., the founder of Episencial, is an esthetician and a nutritionist with more than a decade of experience. Walls clinical perspective focuses on botanically-ba fashion coats online sed skin care and transdermal nutrient absorption as a pathway to improved health and beauty for women and children. She shares her experience internationally with dermatologists and estheticians, as well as childbirth and postpartum professionals, underscoring the relationship between optimum health and skincare.

To schedule an interview with Kim Walls, please contact Lisa Spicer at (818) 785-5287 or lisa(at)episencial(dot)com


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